

Imagine being part of this city


Buy low? Sell high?! Ok Mr Gecko we hear you. We supply many business types, from small independent boutiques to charities, museums and even chains. We offer low transparent pricing and believe our goods to be cheaper and better than the competition. Indeed that is our business model, to be better for less as we are extremely efficient in what we do. However, we do not make inferior products nor will we though we do try to cater for majority of retailers. 


Our job is to make products that are easy to sell, with a sustainable margin.   We would be delighted to help support your store and join your growth journey. We even bring biscuits to meetings. And not the cheap ones either. Chocolate topped no less.


We do provide promotional materials to help with your stores. However, due to the varied nature of our retail clients, we often customise our offerings to your particular store from digital photography and videos, to slatwall rotating cabinets and sock boards. Better presentation gives better kerb appeal to customers, which helps them understand our branding. A happy returning customer is a profitable one after all.


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